суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amitabh bachcan::I am afraid i have a different tack on this amitabh bachcan

amitabh bachcan amitabh bachcan::I am afraid i have a different tack on this.
But he is a human being after all.
Here is my tack.
All the relatives amitabh mentioned belonged to different parts of india and to different communities but they are all members of the forward caste!
Does this make him a casteist?
Is his statement that he did not believe in caste a lie?
We are all bestowed by evolution with a hidden brain.
He was asked to name 75 of the finest indian movies ever made.
He did not name even one south movie!
Sure he could have said that since he did not understand any southern language he could not name any south movie.
But he did not care to qualify his ranking with this proviso why did he not care to admit his ignorance?
I submit he has an unconscious bais that he may not be aware of and will deny when asked.
In other words our rational mind and hidden mind often work in contradiction.
By the way i have another explanation for amitabh family choices in marriage.

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